Fatiscenza senza tempo che si attesta sull’ora trendy del design nello spazio labirintico di Rossana Orlandi. Pastelli e luci, orologi fermi e lampade leggiadre nel giardino d’inverno popolato. Un percorso sensoriale elegante in cui esiste una delicata promessa ogni volta che si gira un angolo. Memoria vintage e racconti olistici nei colori di Gaetano Pesce, nell’ inventiva made in Francia di Mustache. Tutto sospeso tra passato e presente con un assioma di eleganza imprescindibile sul futuro dell’interior design.
English version
Timeless decay that is reflected on the trendy time design labyrinthine space of Rossana Orlandi. Crayons and lights, stopped clocks and graceful lamps in the populated winter garden. A sensory journey where there is a delicate elegant promise every time you turn a corner. Vintage memory and holistic stories in the colors of Gaetano Pesce, in the inventiveness made in France of Mustache. All suspended between past and present with an axiom of essential elegance for the future of interior design.
English version
Timeless decay that is reflected on the trendy time design labyrinthine space of Rossana Orlandi. Crayons and lights, stopped clocks and graceful lamps in the populated winter garden. A sensory journey where there is a delicate elegant promise every time you turn a corner. Vintage memory and holistic stories in the colors of Gaetano Pesce, in the inventiveness made in France of Mustache. All suspended between past and present with an axiom of essential elegance for the future of interior design.